“Die Spitzeder” by M.Sperr

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Das TAZ.DE 31.12.2008
by Maryam Schumacher

Everything was already there. Even the New York fund manager Bernard Madoff has an illustrious predecessor. “Die Spitzeder” opens today, sold out, at the Engelbrot Theatre in Martin Sperrs homonymous comedy, once again her kitchen. (…) In the sparkling staging by Elena Vannoni we see the rise and fall of the shimmering empire of Adele Spitzeder in a realistic folk comedy. During the play we can hear some humorous and meaningful songs written by Ludo Vici. Ironic comments and witty wordplays, about the greed of the ordinary people. (…) The red light district is reflected in the elaborate costumes, colorful and dazzling, realized by the versatile director and costume designer Elena Vannoni.

Costume: Elena Vannoni, Alena Voijtechova, Beatrice Ruffini
Cast: Hans Peter Trauschke, Claudia Steiger, Ludo Vici, Werner Wilkening, Adriane Rimscha, Viktoria Bisco, Regina Dwomoh, Delisha Garmon, Meli Madukanya, Hannerl, Babette Kovas, Rebekka Bai, Roger Jost, Randolf Herbst, Johanna Schmidt, Diana El-Ali, Nora Kothy,Frank Becker, Ruben Bravo
Music: Christof Wenta, Ilan-Benjamin Gruenbaum, Ole Junge, Renè Abraham
Assistents Director: Marino Brandoli, Richard Rabeus
Dramaturgie: Bettina Jänisch
Assistents Stage: Geertje Jacob, Roberto Falcone, Evangelios Matzavinos, Suse Ruppert,Werner Wilkening
Organisation: Katharina Gericke, Jeremias Stüer
Praktikant: Michael BuchmannBar
Catering: Marc Lautsch

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